New Mentors, please complete this form and click Submit.

The information you provide will be displayed on the Mentor List page. So please use the email address and phone number where you would like to be reached by graduates seeking mentoring services.

[contact-form-7 id=»24880″ title=»Application»]


*The information you provide will be displayed on the Mentor List page. So please use the email address and phone number where you would like to be reached by graduates seeking mentoring services.

To Be A Mentor:

  • Mentors will be graduates who must have had a practice for at least 3 years.
  • Mentors will sign up and fill out a profile of their practice and skills to be posted on the BHSA website where graduates may contact them.
  • Mentors will sign up with BHSA. If a graduate is looking to be a mentor they will need to sign up as an Associate (if not already) for the regular fee of $75.00.