Dr. Brennan is a pioneer and innovator in the field of energy consciousness and the Human Energy Consciousness System.

Dr. Barbara Ann Brennan is a pioneer and innovator in the field of energy consciousness and the Human Energy Consciousness System. Dr. Brennan is a world-renowned spiritual leader, healer, author, and educator.

Dr. Brennan holds a Doctorate of Philosophy, a Doctorate of Theology, a Master’s Degree in Atmospheric Physics, B.S. in Physics, and worked as a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Dr. Brennan is also a graduate of the Institute of Core Energetics and a Senior Pathwork® Helper.

With an early background as an astrophysicist, later work in Humanistic modalities and body psychology, and her ability to perceive the energies of the human aura, Dr. Brennan was able to form correlations between what was happening in the auric field, or biofield, and physical manifestation.

With her work in science and an awakened ability to sense and perceive what is now called the auric field in esoteric realms, or biofield in scientific thought, Dr. Brennan began to explore the relationship between physical problems and the structure of the energy in a person’s aura. In her work as a Bioenergetic Counselor Dr. Brennan found that matters of psychology, spirituality, and feelings can all be perceived in the auric field/biofield. Consciousness and the energy in the auric field cannot be divided.

In 1982, Dr. Brennan closed her private practice, and established the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, where Dr. Brennan taught others the skills and techniques that Dr. Brennan had learned through her research, studies and experience. This school is designed to train professional healers, as well as to facilitate personal transformation to enhance any life experience. Dr. Brennan created a language to describe energetic systems that Dr. Brennan perceived and wrote the books that became the classic workbooks for Energy Healing all over the world.

Her first book, Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field, is considered the primer in the field of spiritual healing. There are over one million copies in print in 22 languages. Her second book, Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing, takes the reader further into the world of relationships. Her books contain drawings of auras and energy fields, and descriptions of how human energy fields interact with each other.

Her most recent releases are the Seeds of the Spirit series. These are compilations of all school lectures that were presented in an expanded state of consciousness while in meditation.

Barbara Brennan no longer teaches at BBSH. Her unique combination of the analytical with the spiritual make her work remarkable and important to the development of human kind.