We wish to acknowledge:

  • Founding board members Sandy Foster, Jill Gannon, Nijole Ladd, Sharon Hartnett & Vincent DeRosa for their
    financial donations and time commitments toward launching the Association to a legal not-for-profit charitable organization. Sandy Foster served as founding President and wrote the application for Article of Incorporation and bylaws. Jill Gannon served as Treasurer (2010-present) and co-wrote, with Sandy Foster, the IRS application for not-for-profit designation as a 501c3 not-for profit charitable organization. Nijole Ladd served as Membership Director and Second Board president. Sharon Hartnett built the first website.
  • BBSH graduate Karen Reid of New Zealand who advised us in our organizational structure and worked diligently with BBSH regarding the logo. She was an inspiration to us when we were just starting and we give many thanks for her willingness to assist us.
  • Building a website was supported by the efforts of many people over time including but not limited to BBSH Class of 2008, Carol Kulig, Sharon Hartnett, Maria Perry, Anne Bachop, Marcus Sorenson and Jill Gannon.
  • Board member Randall Segal, for his efforts as Membership Director, Newsletter Editor, & Creating a strong social media presence and listserv, promoting Brennan Healing Science and inspirations from Seeds of Spirit to the public.
  • Marcus Sorensen, BBSHE 2011/ASBIW 2015, for his vision, design and technical talent in creating a unified template for Brennan Healing Science Professional Associations worldwide. His patience and tireless efforts to provide customization to meet our needs is much appreciated.
  • Daphne Jansen and Coenraad Bouma, of the Netherlands BHSPA, for their enthusiasm and cooperation in developing the unified website template and for sharing their content freely.
  • The international BHS Practitioner and Alumni groups for their support and contributions of ideas, content and funding.