In the late 1960s, while working at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Washington D.C., atmospheric scientist Barbara Brennan joined an Edgar Cayce A Search For God study group and shifted her focus from outer space to inner space. Out of this came psychic sensitivity, two classic best-sellers (Hands of Light and Light Emerging) and…

The following interview was conducted by Roger Windsor, editor of Spectrum magazine, and originally appeared in that publication. An Interview with BARBARA BRENNAN QUESTION: How did you go from being a research scientist and astrophysicist working for NASA, to becoming an energy healer? They seem to be very different professions. BARBARA BRENNAN: I was living…

The following interview is courtesy of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Q: Barbara, for those of us who may not be familiar with your work, what do you mean by healing through the human energy field? BB: Healing through the human energy field means working on the auric field on all the levels of…

Randy Peyser: In your latest book, Light Emerging, you state that the main desire in life is to fulfill the spiritual longing, and once that is realized and fulfilled, then everything else falls into place. Barbara Brennan: Yes. And any desire you have as a normal human being is directly connected to that spiritual longing….

Hands of Light interview with Barbara Brennan Log in or sign up with Gaia.com to watch the full interviews WATCH PREVIEW

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