Blessings from a Thousand Generations: What Our Biblical Ancestors Can Teach Us About Healing Our Families Today
by Donna Evans Strauss

Donna begins her book, Blessings from a Thousand Generations, by reminding us of what she
calls the “God-Realization process” or the process of remembering how to listen to and follow
God’s voice on our journey toward remembering our own Divinity and expressing our own
Divine potential.

Blessings offers guidelines along the path of healing our family and ancestral heritage by
expounding on the Ten Commandments as Ten Spiritual Keys. By expanding our “cone of
perception”, Donna explains that what has formerly been seen as rules for proper conduct, can
actually become keys to wholeness, fulfillment, meaning, peace, belonging, respecting life,
unity, potential, ourselves and manifestation.

Each chapter correspond to a Key, including real life stories for understanding, and
recommendations for doing healing work. Donna points out ways our limbic system, our
behavior, mood, emotions and reactions, can be affected by our familial “love bonds”. The
actions of generations have formed both positive and negative love bonds that impact us today.
Recognizing and embracing these experiences can unravel our fears. Trust and security are a

Proposing a deeper spiritual connection with practical suggestions ends each chapter, while
Donna offers questions to clarify our direction, purpose and intention to understand and
transform our lives and heal our families. Enriching this path with faith and noticing the effect
of prayer and meditation on our heart, soul, eyes and hands, Donna writes, helps us uncover
the unique way God is speaking to us to receive the blessings from a thousand generations.

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