By Nijole Ladd March 9, 2020 (Former President and Founding Board Member)

I was most fortunate to attend the “Supporting the Cancer Client” gathering at BBSH Class 3 in February. The Alumni Gathering was a full program focused on new protocols and sound healing specifically for the immune system and such challenges as cancer. Lisa Van Ostrand was accompanied by some very special guest lecturers. Rudolph Felix shared how he worked to support cancer patients energetically, Craig Kay spoke in depth during our class and at an HMD about his journey with a cancer diagnosis, and Bernadette Yao introduced the elements of healing with sound using her compositions of music and voice and crystal bowls. Lisa described the new healing protocol and led us through practice healings while Bernadette created a most beautiful space with live performances of bowls and voice as we did our practice healings. What a treat! She also instructed us in the uses and ways to facilitate healings using our own voice. This was especially wonderful for me to participate in since it is very dear to my heart as I am often guided to use my voice for specific tones and frequencies during healings. To have the whole class be introduced to this during this program was very joyous to me. On Saturday evening, the ceremony led by Craig Kay, Joy Adler, Deborah Noeker, and Bernadette, included our participation using our voices and felt like a deep self healing to me. How nice to have this experience- I felt like I came home again.

During Craig’s segments, we were honored and touched to hear about his entire process through having cancer, the treatments he chose from every perspective, and the reasons for the choices of doing traditional as well as energetic therapies. He is healthy now and we gained many insights through his sharing.

It was wonderful that during the Goddess Healings, Bernadette’s CD was played and the whole school benefitted from the sacred container it helped to create.
This was a fantastic group, a very special gathering, and not just for the content and professionalism of the facilitators. It was also very clear to me that the entity that is BBSH has opened up and truly has great offerings for alumni. It was a true opportunity for continuing education with updates to add to our healing skills and protocols. I’m so glad I had the chance to attend and to meet the international participants. If you are considering attending one of these “Alumni Gatherings” (you can go from Wednesday evening on the class week, and the program starts Thursday morning and goes through Sunday) call your colleagues and go! The hotel rates for BBSH will be available to you if you sign up early, and there are Airbnbs and other accommodations with kitchens (Vacation Village at Bonaventure) as well.

I came away in gratitude for the continued operation of BBSH, the container that is held so strongly for students AND alumni, and I’m very glad I attended.

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