October 2019

When I look around and see the duality and separation that exists in the world, especially in the political
world, I ask myself what am I doing that is contributing to that? How am I feeding into this with my
thoughts? Physics has shown us that everything is thought, so what are the thoughts that I am thinking?
I do my best to step back and be an observer of all viewpoints. And often I fail in this. But I can’t make an
informed decision if I am not looking at both sides of an issue. Or multiple sides as the case may be. It
seems to me that there is often the mindset nowadays that “it’s my way or the highway.” People are not
open to listening to an opposing viewpoint. But who says that I am right and the other is wrong? Who
gets to decide?

The reality is that I believe my own thoughts because I am the maker of them. As Esther Hick’s Abraham
says, “A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.” I can believe something that no one else thinks is
true because I made that belief for myself. And others make their beliefs. And often these beliefs are

Can I allow others to have their opposing beliefs without maligning them? Can I know that we were
created by Love as Love and that we are all the same? That politician that I disagree with is the same
spirit of Love that I am. If I can’t accept that for him or her, then I am not accepting it for myself.
In Seeds of the Spirit, Heyoan said, “The very nature of your being within and beyond human existence is
love. The more you allow yourself this contemplation, this understanding, this flow of life, the more you
automatically radiate it.”

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